17 Jan Boyfriend in the city of LOVE
This weekend my boyfriend arrived in Paris for one day.
He had to go to Paris for his work, so we could only meet for one day in Paris which I liked A LOT. We did some touristic things, like the LOUVRE and walked through the city.
There so many musicians in Paris, everywhere you walk there is someone playing music, even in the metro. I love this. It always makes you so happy!! We had a cappuccino in one of my favorite places in Le marais; it’s called Le Voltigeur, which is the best place to have lunch. They serve a delicious quiche with the soup of the day or you can just have a coffee with a croissant or the typically French ‘moelleux au chocolat‘. It’s at 45 Rue des francs Bourgeois, which is a great street for shopping as well. I’m in love with this area as you can already see.
We walked further through Paris on our way to the Louvre. Then we bumped into this mini car… Small cars have better ways ;)!
But unfortunately, it wasn’t only fun. I got the bad news that my grandmother past away. She had become very old but it’s still very sad. This picture of the flowers I found made me think about her. In her last years she got Alzheimer’s, and she got one funny habit with that. It was her obsession with the color purple and pink. And she took it REALLY seriously . She stopped wearing colors other then purple and pink. So this flowers make me think off her and gave me a warm feeling. <3
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