06 Jan First week in Paris
My mom is here with me for my first days to get me settled. My mom is my best friend- a cliché, but it’s true- so it’s really nice that she’s with me now. The only thing that’s good about her leaving, is that she’s the worst kind of person with food. Every moment is more cake, macarons, eclairs or some other sweet treat.
And I’m her daughter so it’s not that I don’t have the same habit. But I think I’m a bit more disciplined on this part… most of the times;)
But for the past three days, it was awesome, I think I had all the classic pâtisseries from Paris.
We had fun, but now she left me ALONE in the best city ever. The only thing that keeps me from getting lonely is the thought of the friends I will make, who I can explore this city with. And the funny thing was, my classes should start at the second week of January.. But they start in the end of January, so I have not so much to do.. And not many ways of getting to know people… This weekend will be me and my box of macarons watching Amelie for hundredth time! 😉
That’s kind of why I thought about this idea (while eating my macarons) to start a blog about Paris, fashion, the best spots in the city. And then if you wanna go to Paris, but you’re just going there for a weekend or a few days, then you can take a few of my suggestions.
Alright so now I first need to get out of my room and make some friends to get this started. Then I can tell you something;)
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