11 Jan “Je suis Charlie”
”Je Suis Charlie” January 7th in Paris. Wednesday morning the attack on Charlie Hebdo Magazine in Paris.
The whole city is in shock and around the world everyone is sympathetic with Paris. It’s good to see how people from around the world show their solidarity with the Charlie Hebdo attack.
It was nearly my first and half week in Paris, I didn’t know what to do, being in a city you don’t know yet. After one day the whole city hang full with a slogan for the movement in support of the victims of the Charlie Hebdo. “Je suis Charlie”.
I needed to go to my University, to check my classes. I went walking because people warned me that I shouln’t take the metro now, that kind of advice makes you scared in a moment like this. Especially because your new in a city, and you don’t know where to go, and where not. This trip to my university was pretty intense. There were so many police officers with guns everywhere and I saw police cars driving around every second, especially in front of the touristic places. In front of my universitary as well, in front of every building they checked your bags.
I did my stuff with my courses and afterword’s walked back home. Which was pretty far (1.5 hour) probably also because I got lost sometimes. But that was fine, and also with the thought: “If you want to get to know a city, you have to get lost first”
Sunday I went to Le Marais and I walked with the march. This was special moment to be with all the French and other people who where there and be a part of history.
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